Saturday, December 22, 2007

Lease Purchase in Florida

Lease purchase in florida is more popular with florida real estate than before. You can lease a property in florida and then buy it later. This is called a lease purchase in florida or some would call it the purchase of property through a lease purchase and buying after leasing.

I have also heard it called rent while buying real estate in florida. This way the florida renter does not have to qualify for a mortgage loan in florida at the begginning. The renter in florida should pay with a personal check and then he or she can buy the florida property in one year.

Many people are going through foreclosure in florida and are unaware that the landlord is going through florida foreclosure. This is noty a good thing for the lease purchase renter in florida. It is a case of buyer beware of the lease purchase in florida and you can rent in florida without the rent while buying clause.

Rent and lease purchase in florida on florida real estate for rent.

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